How much is too much?

Wide eyes

Just how much coffee is too much?

Some might say that no amount of coffee will ever overstep the imaginary line in the sand – because of their undying love of all things espresso – but if we’re using science to determine a safe limit then it can get all a bit confusing, such are the available variations.

As you, reader, will surely know, the kick that we get from our cup of freshly brewed coffee comes from caffeine.

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Coffee cuts out harmful liver enzymes

Coffee beans

Over the years we have seen, read and reported upon a number of positive health stories pertaining to our favourite drink, coffee. Despite finding numerous different conclusions one thing remains a constant: there’s something wonderful in coffee.

Well we can bring to you the latest piece of research that will further validate your coffee habit.

…continue reading Coffee cuts out harmful liver enzymes

Improve your work out by drinking a coffee

Gym on wall

Coffee loving gym goers rejoice!

According to the British Coffee Association drinking our favourite beverage an hour before working out can improve performance by 30% whilst a recent entry in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism found that trained athletes who had some form of caffeine before exercising burned, on average, 15% more calories.

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Caffeine may help combat Alzheimer’s disease

Coffee Cup1

A group of German and French researchers, led by Dr. Christa E. Muller from the University of Bonn and Dr. David Blum from the University of Lille, have been able to determine for the first time that caffeine may well help combat some effects of Alzheimer’s disease.

The project, which received some funding from the Alzheimer initiatives, published their positive results in the journal Neurobiology of Aging.

…continue reading Caffeine may help combat Alzheimer’s disease