Coffee and diabetes
Hands up if you would like to lose a pound or two?
Or three?
Or a stone?
After the cold winter months when we have been able to hide under layers of warm clothing, spring is upon us once more.
As we reveal more flesh, so we often feel the pressure to slim down.
In the coffee world, there has been much discussion about using green coffee as a weight loss aid.
However, it seems that the humble coffee bean may also be able to contribute towards reducing the risk of diabetes.
There has recently been some research by Dr Joe Vinson and his team at the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania in the United States into this subject.
There has been a presentation of the findings at the American Chemical Society.
What was discovered?
It seems that the cholorogenic acids, which are found naturally in coffee beans, can help to control blood sugar levels, a key requirement for diabetes sufferers and also control weight too.
It seems that although coffee can be consumed by imbibing it, it would be preferable (for these purposes) to take the coffee in the form of a pill.
It was already known that drinking 7 cups of joe daily could slash the risk of diabetes by 50%, but it seems that a natural pill would be more useful.
I have been using Genesis Today Green Coffee Bean on and off for a year and it has helped some with weight but was recently diagnosed with Diabetes 2. I'm going to try it while testing my blood sugar to see what happens.