Ethiopia coffee production is rising

Ethiopia coffee production

It has been said that Ethiopia is the birthplace of coffee, but whether or not this is the case, there are certainly strong links between the African country and the coffee bean.

There have been news headlines recently to the effect that the quantity of coffee that is being produced in Ethiopia is on the increase and the level of output is surpassing expectations.

It has also been said that because of this increase, the International Coffee Organisation has upped its estimate of the global output for 2011-2012.

According to reports, Ethiopia has an output of around 9.8 million bags of coffee.

If this is the case, then it would send Ethiopia towards the giants of coffee producing countries in the world, estimated to fall third behind Brazil and Vietnam.

The country is certainly doing its best to raise its game and also its profile internationally.

Did you realise, for instance, that Ethiopia will host the 9th African Fine Coffee Conference and Exhibition this year?

This event is a magnet for many players in the coffee industry and it is said that some 1,500 visitors (and more) are expected to visit the conference.

This will be a prime opportunity for the showcasing of coffee products and to network with other people in the business.

As well as business opportunities and marketing, there are also discussion-style events at the conference, designed to think about the big picture issues in the coffee industry.

Topics which are up for discussion include sustainability in the coffee production processes, the problems caused by climate change, the sharing of experience and other market concerns.

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Comments ( 7 )

  1. Wikipedia about the birthplace of coffee..Ethiopia.......The history of coffee goes at least as far back as the thirteenth century. The story of Kaldi, the 9th-century Ethiopian goatherd who discovered coffee, did not appear in writing until 1671 AD and is probably apocryphal.[1] From Ethiopia, coffee was said to have spread to Egypt and Yemen...,

  2. that is good news for Ethiopian and Africa.

  3. why you question that Ethiopia is the birth place of coffee? if it has been said in your country just may be you have said you countries name over and over again

  4. Thanks for the comment kalleab. There was no direct aim to question whether it is correct or not, but to also quote wikipedia "Ethiopian ancestors of today's Oromo people were believed to have been the first to recognize the energizing effect of the coffee bean plant, though no direct evidence has been found indicating where in Africa coffee grew" Just trying to stay within the know facts. Thanks WCN

  5. Good News

  6. i hear you man but if it were grown in the west wikipida will would say for sure that it was grown in the west. but i all in the world it is only in Ethiopia were you find forest coffee that would tell you some thing. Thus we have to stand what ever hertage we have. have you seen western or Indian movies they give even tell you about local myths. but we are so lame we have to make others to understand coffee is ours through writing and art works. thanks man

  7. since man also originated from Ethiopia that is no surprise for coffee to be from Ethiopia.

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