Lavazza unveil a compostable coffee capsule


The topic of coffee pods and capsules has been a hot one in recent weeks. Radio shows have been commissioned to discuss their merits and flaws, numerous articles have been published and the whole issue threatened to go sky-high (and viral) when the man behind their creation, John Sylvan, admitted that he no longer uses his own invention.

There has even been a ‘Kill the K-Cup’ campaign that has gained traction on social media.

Coffee capsules have helped companies become ridiculously rich in a small amount of time. For example Keurig – the market leaders in this field – recorded revenues in the region of $4.7bn last year.

However, the environmental question still lingers. Millions of pods get discarded on rubbish heaps because recycling options are so limited.

But a group of students from Turin’s Polytechnic University, in conjunction with Lavazza, may have found a way to make coffee pods green.

Earlier this month, Lavazza unveiled a compostable capsule that is made out of a material called Mater-Bi 3G, a patented bioplastic which was created from a thistle-based biopolymer and has been certified as being completely organic.

“This is a historic moment for Lavazza as this a completely new produce,” beamed Marco Lavazza, the coffee company’s vice-president.

“We have made a scientific and technological breakthrough, with the first Lavazza patented, compostable capsule.”

During the research period, the team of students and professionals were at pains not to impinge on the quality of coffee used in the pods, something which turned out to be a rather large hurdle to navigate.

The advancements made in this field, specifically with aroma preservation and control, could be adopted and by fashion designers and clothing brands who are looking for new ways to ‘control odours’.

“We have always been interested in innovation,” Lavazza noted, referring to his company’s involvement with the ISSpresso initiative.

The new pods will be on show at Milan’s Exposition which is set to be held later on in the year.

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