Chemical Coffee On Sale In Vietnam
Sold in plastic cans, a concentrated liquid has quickly become a best-seller. Sold in certain markets, from stalls which typically stock chemicals and other industrial products, it is flying off the shelves.
The item is a thick black liquid and just of a few drops of it is purported to transform water into coffee – or, at least, something that resembles coffee.
When mixed with water, the result is a murky coloured liquid that has an intense smell akin to coffee. Those who have tried it have stated that it has a bitter taste and it even comes in three varieties: ‘robusta’, ‘mocha’ and ‘Brazilian’.
Worryingly, many people believe the substance to be highly toxic in large doses but that has not stopped vendors from selling it, with some coffee shops owners in Vietnam believed to be repeat customers.
As the label says, it is for those who want ‘super profits’ and ‘super convenience’. Customer safety obviously is not a priority.
An undercover reporter from Thanh Nien went down to visit somebody who sold this hazardous chemical and found that it is retailing for as little as $17 a litre, which is said to produce around 400 cups of ‘coffee’.
“You actually only need a few drops for a perfect cup. Most coffee shops use this liquid, as it gives a very real fragrance and a lot of profits,” said a seller to the journalist.
When pressed, it was revealed that the coffee substitute comes from China.
Some other vendors that the reporter spoke to confirmed that it is dangerous at best and “poisonous” at worst, though none of them could actually confirm what the substance is made from.
A source from the Ho Chi Minh City Chemistry Association told Thanh Nien that the liquid is likely to contain lead and mercury.
Official tests will be carried out in the near future.
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