Coffee: Good For Your Heart
Cracking news coffee fans, you can definitely sip your espresso guilt-free as new research indicates that a regular intake of caffeine does not cause heart palpitations.
Actually, instead of sending your heart into overdrive, your coffee is likely to be of benefit to your heart.
Researchers from the University of California San Francisco monitored over 1,200 participants, the majority of whom were taking part in a larger scale study on heart health. A sizeable portion of the group – around 60% – classified themselves as a regular consumer of caffeine.
The team of academics monitored these people for a year and found that there were no differences between those who regularly sipped on a caffeinated drink (such as the holy nectar that is espresso) and those who did not.
What is even better is that this piece of research directly contradicts conventional knowledge.
“Clinical recommendations advising against the regular consumption of caffeinated products to prevent disturbances of the heart’s cardiac rhythm should be reconsidered,” said Dr Gregory Marcus, the study’s lead researcher.
As well releasing results that go against the grain, the study gently hints that so-called ‘habitual coffee drinkers’ actually have less chance of developing coronary artery disease.
“Recommendations advising against the regular consumption of caffeinated products to prevent disturbances of the heart’s cardiac rhythm should be reconsidered,” Marcus continued.
“We may unnecessarily be discouraging consumption of items like [coffee] that might actually have cardiovascular benefits
Cracking news, I am sure you will agree.
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