Fingerprint scanner can detect if you’ve had coffee


A new scanner that has been funded by the British Home Office is so sensitive than it can pick up traces of drugs from fingerprints. The device is currently being used and evaluated by West Yorkshire Police.

Apparently, the scanner can build a chemical profile of a suspect, identifying the person’s gender, what type of cosmetics they use and even whether they’ve had a cup of coffee, though its main job is to flag up signs of illicit drug use.

The full results of the trial period aren’t expected to be made public for two years, though one of the developers, Simona Francese of Sheffield Hallam University, believes that the evidence it provides could be used in a court of law.

“Should the case be discussed in court, I will be called as an expert witness even if the technology has not been validated. It will all depend on how strongly, robustly and transparently I can defend our analyses,”

It seems that the device has already showcased its accuracy for registering trace elements of caffeine, but further research carried out between academics at Sheffield Hallam, the UK Home Office and the Dutch Forensic Institute demonstrated it could pick up the presence of a spectrum of drugs.

“We can say a lot about a variety of substances the suspect has come in contact with,” Francese continued.

“We have started to detect medications which contribute to the profile of the suspect.”

The question is, can we get one so we can detect who has been stealing coffee from our offices?!

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